Holy reconciliation, Batman!
When I did my recent pieces, I did it with one intent and one intent only... to clear my name of the unfair charges against me that I was trying to "control people's blogs" that were being spread around by the person REALLY trying to control people's blogs, and break up my friendships with those people, caring more about hurting me than the fact that he would be hurting the people he called friends, because that's the type of person he really is.
Even though I said one of the friendships was salvagable, I didn't imagine this would make some progress on it. But I suppose that's what happens when you actually try to read what I say and discern if I have a point rather than go OMGWTFKSHJFBHJHF over the fact that your name was mentioned, and admit that yeah, you could possibly be the person in the wrong.
(Or, if I could have my wishes about the past, how about the possible idea that maybe it should have been Rob who got the "Take it down, apologize and publically retract it OR ELSE" treatment when he was the one bringing her name into the public to cause this mess in the first place. Of course, reasonable suggestions like that would assume she cares about anyone but herself or was ever really my or anyone else's friend.)
Unfortunately, my ability to comment in other blogs is pretty limited right now because of the fact that someone doesn't mind dragging their fights into other blog's comments (which is basically how Rob started this whole mess in the first place, dragging his fights into other people's blogs) if I happen to make a comment, even on a completely unrelated subject... so I guess I'll make my comments right here now that this blog is the happening place everyone's hopping to.
First off...I would just like to say that I haven't read the post myself (and EVERYONE knows what I am talking about), but I do know what isn't about. And I don't know from hear say, or what is posted on other blogs...I know because I have been there...I lived it. I know it. And, I would like to make a couple of statements...or whatever...here it goes.
Like she says here, she hadn't read the post yet. Unfortunately, BlogSpot had a massive outage yesterday. I wish she would have withheld comment till after the post, or at least until after we talked, but c'est la vie.
- I love Rob. He is my friend. He doesn't tell me what to do, he doesn't tell me when to do it. He doesn't brain wash me. He doesn't make me be his friend. I am his friend because he is a good person. He is my freind because he is there for me. He is my friend because he doens't kill a freind ship because of someone else.
Does Rob brainwash Krissie or tell her what to do? No. Does he force her down paths that are good for him and bad for her by his actions, yes. Krissie wanted to be my friend. I wanted to be Krissie's friend. Rob didn't want that, and did everything he could to make sure that wasn't the case.
I leave it to the audience to decide whether that sounds like a "good person" or not.
- This is my blog. It has always been my blog. It will always be my blog. Nothing goes on here, or comes off here, unless I say it's ok. And btw, if you don't like the red writting that is on here from time to time, get over it, or get on with your life.
Krissie certainly didn't authorize all of Rob's little attacks before they happened.
It isn't so much that I don't like the red writing (though I'm not alone in wishing it could be just Krissie's blog, not Rob's blog featuring Krissie), it's that I don't like being attacked, and I refused to stand for it. Any person with any self esteem whatsoever would refuse as well.
And it would be just as wrong if I posted there and was attacking her friends that I didn't like. However, I'm a better person than that. I'll take my shots here, but I don't speak for Libby or Krissie or anyone else. Rob put himself over to people like he did, and of course they trusted him. He was their friend, and Krissie was keeping him on regardless of what he was doing and saying. That sent a message, even if she never intended it.
- How can I be a bad friend if I'm not a freind at all. Someone once told me never to send him/her emails every again becuase we weren't friends and we would never be friends again. So, I stopped sending my emails...and today I find out that I am a bad friend to this same person.. hmmm...does this make sence to anyone out there??
This confused me, because I remember it differently. From what I remembered, the last time we really talked, Krissie raised me over e-mail, and it seemed we were actually making some progress, but then it seemed to turn into a deal where she was merely attempting to convince me she was right. We turned to an outside opinion, and he agreed with me that these attacks were taking place, and that they were a serious problem that needed to be addressed. She just said "Ok" and stopped talking, and it came off like she didn't want to talk any more if she couldn't be right.
I certainly don't remember ever telling her not to contact me any more... but I'm not going to call her a liar either. Maybe I'm right, maybe she's right. Maybe both or neither of us is right.
- None of my friends have ever told me what to do...except one, who according to him/her, is no longer my freind. That is the only time that anyone has ever told me to do anything. And btw, that friend didn't try to take over my blog or run it...he/she just told me to get rid of someone.
I *think* what Krissie is trying to say here is exactly what I was trying to say in making my post: I did not ever try to control her blog. I simply tried to make the attacks stop, which again anyone in my position would do.
- When the worst of this stuff went down...I was in the WORST breakup of my life, whith someone who I was completly in love with for all the wrong reasons, someone who hurt me so bad, and abused me...yea. Not to mention that during this time, I was having to adjust to school, being aways from my parents, and making new friends....yea.
And that sucks. If I was there, I'd take that boy, stab him in the face and delete his house to be sure for hurting Krissie.
At the same time, all of us go through crappy things in our lives. The easiest thing in the world to do (as we've found out lately) is to try to use those things to justify being a crappy person. But they don't. Though it does make you a better person to stay a good person when this is happening.
And I know Kris knows this.
- People can say whatever they want about me. I don't care. And the people that believe what they say...well, fuck them too. Because if your gonna believe what someone else says about me...before you even talk to me about it...then fuck you. You aren't my freind and you never were.
Words to live by. I'm doing what I'm doing because even despite that, I felt it was important to get the truth out there, both for the sake of my reputation and peace of mind, as well as to let those quality people who supported me this whole time know they made the right decision.
Unfortunately, as mentioned above, even though people SHOULD always check with the person in question, they often don't, especially when they think they can trust the person talking and he seemingly has a position where he can speak on their behalf.
- This is high school shit. I went though all this shit in high school. Adults should not be worrying over things like this. And some people need to pick what side of the fence your gonna fucking stand on. Becasue, when this comsumed my life...i had people telling me one thing, and telling him/her, something completly different. The supported me when they talked to me, and they supported the other person when they talked to him/her.
I've talked to Kris, and she realizes this isn't high school. This is just about me wanting to be her friend and not have to tolerate constant attacks for it, to not have to tolerate the message being put out there "If you like Krissie, you should hate Dave."
I should say this isn't high school on my end. A mature, rational person who really cared about her wouldn't have created all these problems (that are obvious to multiple people) in the first place.
I Read It.
I finally got to read the post that is all the news around here. I have to be honest here and say that I wasn't bothered by anything that was said about me.
And I have to say I'm glad it was actually read, and this was realized. If your name isn't Rob, I didn't say anything all that bad about you until after I was pushed and decided to let out the old "take no prisoners" Dave.
If you do something wrong, accept that it gets said that you did. And realize that if you don't want that said, don't do something wrong in the first place. Don't try to force the truth to disappear from the Internet.
Things said about certain others though....yea, I didn't like that, and believe you me when I say that I voiced my openion on those.
I'll verify this. She did. Doesn't change anything I had to say or the correctness thereof, but I can respect that.
There were some points in the post that I didn't like...but over all..I was not offended by the things that were said about me. I did (still do) have Rob on my blog. It did cause problems with a friendship at the time. I did try compromises, but the only person responsible for breaking those compromises is me bc I never had the intition of following though.
I can see why Kris is saying this. Certainly, if you say "If this person does X, I promise you I will do Y." and you have no intention of doing Y even if X is done, that's pretty scummy. That's not being a very good friend, particularly if I deserve having Y done RIGHT NOW because of what's been already done, but I went ahead and compromised... gave up something I deserved in the name of preserving the friendship in trust that Y would happen if X continued to happen. Unfortunately, that trust was let down.
At the same time, though, that doesn't mean that that person doing X isn't wrong to do it. It is not Krissie's fault Rob attacked me in her blog. It IS Krissie's fault she continued to LET Rob attack me in her blog and did nothing about the situation.. That's what led to the end of our friendship, as it would to any friendship where both participants had a healthy sense of self esteem. I can forgive her for this if the friendship can be repaired, just as I hope she can forgive me for wrongs I've done against her.
Let's just say that NOW, I hope that even if she doesn't want to do Y now... that if X is done, she will stick to her word this time.
At the time, the last thing that I wanted to worry about was my blog and who ran it. And, by the way, I ran it then, I run it now, and I will always run it as long as I live. And again...I would like to say that no one tells me what to do or tries to tell me what to do...then or now. I do things because I want to do them. Rob doesn't tell me to do things, B doesn't tell me to do things, Matt doesn't tell me to do things, Dave doesn't tell me to do things (besides of course to get Rob off my blog). I would just like to make that clear.
(recent edit by Krissie bolded by me for emphasis)
Again, I think what she's trying to say is that I don't control her blog, and that I never even tried to do so. Yes, I told her to get Rob off her blog. I hope though that everyone reading this realizes that if they were in my shoes, so would they.
Hopefully Kris can confirm some of my interpretations here, just for the sake of those who would rather believe she was joining the lynch mobs.
Sorry about the color changing here, folks. Blogspot really didn't like my whole stunt of trying to use Krissie's color here for her stuff, so I had to improvise.