Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Sometimes, while going to sleep, I leave on The History Channel as something to listen to, given that my television has a sleep timer.

Last night, I heard this:

"Even a neutral has a right to take account of facts. Even a neutral cannot be asked to close his mind or close his conscience."

This was FDR, in a speech promising American neutrality in what would eventually become World War II, as, at this time, America wanted to hide under a rock and pretend the rest of the world didn't exist.

I'd take this a step farther.

When one of the sides in a conflict is one's friend, and that friend is claiming victimization, even a "neutral" has an OBLIGATION to take account of facts. Even a "neutral" has an OBLIGATION to not close their mind or their conscience.

Should they not live up to these obligations, they're not being much of a friend. And if it is indeed a conflict where only one side is doing wrong, they are taking a side, that of the wrongdoer.

Something to think about.

I'm not always nice, but I am always honest.


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