Saturday, July 02, 2005

Welcome to the New Year's Revolution Roundtable!

This time we're truly groundbreaking! THREE girls! Envy us, all other roundtables! I am experimenting with a little format change here. If someone had additional comments after their first message, I'm including that. Let's get on with the show.

We are running a little late on this this time. I was sick and slept most of the day.


The Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship
Poll: Triple H: 3, Batista: 2, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Edge: 1 each

Dave: What I'd LIKE to see: Jericho wins and starts being used again.
What WILL happen: Batista's seeming dissension was "just kidding" as he helps Triple H win.

Matt: My prediction: HHH wins, and reinstates the "no title shot for Orton" thing. Orton wins the Royal Rumble in a few weeks, thus earning himself a title shot at Wrestlemania.

Sean: Jericho or Benoit winning would make me happy... i'm thinking it'll be the SOS as usual

B: Go Randy!

Libby: This was the hardest one to choose. Sure, Triple H is the most likely, but I just went nuts and picked Batista. Why not?

Dave: Is Batista ready?

Libby: I have a young friend here who thinks Batista is the greatest wrestler on the show. If he doesn't win it eventually, I'd be surprised.
I know that didn't answer your question.

Dave: I do agree the fans are ready to go NUTS behind Batista... and if they make it another "FOOLED YOU" booking decision, it's going to suck monkey balls.
Did anyone see this coming during the Deacon Batista days?

Matt: I didn't even expect it during the Leviathan days. Of course, I was the only person here who knew who Leviathan IS, but that's a story for another time.

Jill: GO JERICHO! And GO BATISTA cause my girly girl thinks you're so smokin' HOT.

B: His nice butt is ready.
Comments like that are just too easy :P

Dave: Comments like that are just too icky.


Kane vs. Gene Snitsky
Poll :Kane: 8, Gene Snitsky: 0

Dave: Kane wins, crushes Snitsky down to OVW and no one but Matt ever hears of him again.

Matt: The logical booking would be Kane winning, and that's who I chose. However, I could see them booking an ending where Kane snaps and destroys Snitsky with a weapon, thus getting himself DQ'd.

Dave: With the way they're going, Lita will turn on Kane and join Snitsky.

Sean: (in response to my prediction) i hope not... i like Snitsky, if just for continued interaction with Heidenreich. plus his beard/goatee is frightening.

B: Beat the living crap out of him Kane.

Libby: Please GOD, let Kane win and save his career. Another loss to Snitsky would kill me. Even though Snitsky is growing on me....a little.....Kane HAS TO WIN.

Jill: GO KANE!
You can do it!


Lita vs. Trish
Poll: Lita: 5, Trish: 3

Dave: I'm picking Lita here... just because after so long of being victimized, it's time for good to finally get its comeuppance.

Sean: she is showing excellent fire and passion for a change.

B: Please let Lita win.

Libby: I could easily go either way on this one. I can see Trish pulling it off, though. Lita has just about rehabilitated herself with me, after some craptacular developments earlier in the year, but Trish is money. As far as I'm concerned, she is to that Woman's belt what Ric Flair was to the NWA title. Yeah.
Not to be a nitpicker, but if Lita's Trish that gets her "comeuppance". You're welcome.&

Dave: D'oh... while there's an argument that I could be correct... it is usually used in the other way.

Libby:Argument schmargument. You fudged it.

Dave: And you love pointing that out.

Jill: GO TRISH! Your bad self deserves that title.


Shelton Benjamin vs. Maven for the Intercontinental Championship
Poll: Shelton Benjamin: 6, Maven: 0

Dave: While it is nice they're doing something with Maven besides "Plucky underdog who happened to win Tough Enough", he's still going to be some time shedding the Jobber 4 Life image... while Shelton has real potential to be something special.
I say Maven is allowed to look good, but Shelton takes it.

Matt: Find me someone who takes Maven seriously, and I'll show you someone who should have their head examined. He's the only Tough Enougher that hasn't shown any sort of personality past being that guy from Tough Enough, and it'll be a long while before anyone sees him as any kind of threat. Benjamin wins.

B: I gotta go for Shelton, but I definetly prefer Maven's butt :)

Dave: That's just icky.

Libby: I think Shelton should win and build up a lot of wins, and be built up into a big-time player.
However, I expect Maven to win with some chicanery. I don't want that, but I have that sinking feeling.

Jill: GO SHELTON! Who da man? YOU da man!

B: What's icky? K agrees with me. Maven has a nice butt. 2 to 1..we win. :)

Matt: Being a heterosexual male, I really have no desire to think about Maven's posterior. The matter is tied 2-2. :P

Dave: And Matt and I have hammers, so we get extra votes... and I get 1 more vote for being grand poobah. 5-2 us.

Libby: What a pile of bullshit that is.

Dave: It is not BS. We get extra points.

Libby: Total and complete bullshit.


Christian & Tyson Tomko vs. William Regal & Eugene for the World Tag Team Championship&
Poll: William Regal & Eugene: 6, Christian & Tyson Tomko: 1

Dave: Christian is far above needing the tag titles again, Tomko is far below deserving them. That fact, plus the thrown together nature of this feud, plus the fact that both challengers beat both champs in single matches leads me to believe that the champs retain here.
On that last bit, otherwise Eugene and Regal suffer for being so thoroughly dominated.

Matt: The Regal/Eugene combination are regularly entertaining and are really deserving of the titles. As has been said, Christian is way above the tag titles, while Tomko isn't credible enough to buy one of the replica title belts. Besides, there's that pesky "win on Monday, lose on Sunday" booking too, so I think Regal and Eugene are going to win this one.

Libby: I picked Christian and Tomko. Christian has been spinning his wheels for a while, and he always works in tag teams. It never fails. Plus, a tag team is pretty much the best place to hide Tomko's faults.
Furthermore, Regal and Eugene have had the belts for a short while now, and a short while is as long as a face team can expect to hold the belts on Raw. Plus, I'm just sick of Eugene. I hope the title loss spurs Regal to a violent, bloody, brutal beatdown on Eugene.
Come back to the dark side, Regal.

Jill: I don't really care much about this one.

B: Of course I gotta go for Eugene, simply cause he always makes me laugh. I love seeing what Eugene's up to each week. How can anyone be mean to him?
Of course I like Christian too. He's got the bad boy appeal,and I usually like his outfit. As for Tyson Tomko, eww.
Don't ya love how I turn wrestling into something girly? :P

Dave: You turn everything into something girly. :P


Jerry Lawler vs. Mohammad Hassan
Poll: Jerry Lawler: 5, Mohammad Hassan: 2

Dave: Oh wow... a guy we have no reason to care about vs. an announcer who frequently vacillates between heel and face when he isn't obsessed about puppies.
If Hassan were to lose this match, he'd be completely DOA... so he's going to win. But the problem is this doesn't really do that much for him.

Matt: Hassan is going to win, just because I doubt they'd book a guy to lose his first match. I also doubt that he'll be around very long, though. The simple fact that the character is blatently racist is just asking for some overzealous fan(s) to jump the rail and kick the shit out of him on a regular basis. That's why he's not in OVW any more, and I suspect that sooner or later, he's going to go the way of Mordecai and pull a disappearing act.

Dave: Not only will they not book a guy to job in his first match, he also won't be jobbing vs. an announcer.

Sean: the sad thing is that the kid's got a great look and is a fantastic talker (the idiot manager he's with can take a hike, though). he's a damn sight better than Carlito

Matt: I've seen Mohammad wrestle back in OVW (back when he was just called Mark Magnus), and he wasn't too bad of a wrestler either. He had a couple of really good matches with a pre-Eugene Nick Dinsmore. I'm sure a match with Lawler could be at least watchable.

B: I hope Lawler beats the crap out of him. That Hassan dude and his buddy are just flat out annoying. I literally dread when they come out on RAW each week. I usually just go get a snack or read a book until they get done.

Libby: I say Lawler wins, but by DQ when the extraneous 2nd Arab attacks. Yes, Lawler wins When Arabs Attack!
Lawler could just as easily lose by DQ, too. I don't know why, but I don't see a pin happening.&
It's usually a bad sign for your career when your first big feud in the WWE/F is vs. the announce team. See also: Taz(z).
I agree. He's a great talker and he looks really good. He's much better at this than Tiger Ali Singh was. (Did I get that name right?)



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